Popular Social Media Share Buttons
Choose to install share buttons from over 40 of the most popular social channels

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In simplest terms, the LinkedIn share button is a button on your website or blog that makes it easy for visitors to share to LinkedIn, so they can share your content with their network in just a single click. But, beyond that basic understanding, the LinkedIn share button is much more; it is a one-click invitation to share to LinkedIn quickly and efficiently.
In other words, for brands that want their content to spread to wider audiences, especially professional audiences, the LinkedIn share button is an absolute must.
Adding a LinkedIn share button to your website is both easy and one of the best things you can do, if you’d like to invite shares to LinkedIn. Once enabled, your site visitors will be able to share your blog posts, videos, and other content to their LinkedIn accounts, in a single click. Here’s how to do it:
1. Navigate to the ShareThis LinkedIn share button;
2. Select either inline – a LinkedIn button pinned to a specific location – or sticky, a button fixed to the side of the screen;
3. Selected LinkedIn as your social channel. While you’re here, you can also choose other social sites and sharing methods that your visitors most often use and/or request;
4. Design your buttons to complement your site layout and design;
5. Copy your code to paste into your website or blog.
All finished! You’ve now enabled one-click LinkedIn sharing for all your content.
There are two ways to share an article on LinkedIn: the easy way and the little-bit-harder way. The easy way relies on the LinkedIn share button to enable users to share to LinkedIn with just one click:
1. On a site that has the LinkedIn share button enabled, you’ll see the blue LinkedIn logo button pinned to the top of the article or floating down the left-hand side of your browser window;
2. Click the LinkedIn share button, choose whether to share as a post or in a private message,add your comments, and then click Post.
It’s as simple as that.
For websites that haven’t enabled the LinkedIn share button, you’ll have to take a few extra manual steps:
1. Copy the URL of the article you’d like to share;
2. Open a new tab and navigate to LinkedIn;
3. Login to LinkedIn;
3. Paste your URL into the “Start a post” box at the top of your screen;
4. Add any comments, then click Post;
5. Close your tab and navigate back to the article.
When it comes to making a post shareable to or on LinkedIn, there are two basic understandings: 1) How to make a LinkedIn post (= a post you created on LinkedIn) shareable; and 2) How to make a post from another site easily shareable to LinkedIn.
To make a LinkedIn post shareable:
1. Navigate to LinkedIn.
2. Click the “Start a post” box at the top of your screen and begin to type your post;
3. For audience, be sure to click Anyone, so that the general public may view your post;
4. Click Post.
These steps will allow other LinkedIn users to share your post while ensuring that their connections will be able to view your content (that’s why setting the audience to Anyone is important).
If you’ve already published a post you would like to edit to sharable, simply navigate to the post, click Edit, and change your audience settings to Anyone.
To make outside content easily shareable to LinkedIn, follow the same steps outlined above:
1. Navigate to the ShareThis LinkedIn share button;
2. Select either inline – a LinkedIn button pinned to a specific location – or sticky, a button fixed to the side of the screen;
3. Selected LinkedIn as your social channel. While you’re here, you can also choose other social sites and sharing methods that your visitors most often use and/or request;
4. Design your buttons to complement your site layout and design;
5. Copy your code to paste into your website or blog.
And with that, your website, blog, video and other content is now easily shareable to LinkedIn.
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Enable one-click sharing to start scaling your site traffic today