Pinning a post to your Facebook business page is an excellent way to make sure that important information doesn’t get hidden in your page’s news feed. When someone navigates to your business page, they’ll see your pinned post first without needing to scroll any further.
If you’re familiar with pinning a comment or post on Instagram or pinning a tweet to your Twitter profile, then you might already have a basic understanding of how pinning a post on Facebook might work. However, if you’ve never pinned a post before, this guide will show you how to pin a post to your page and explore different types of posts to consider pinning.
How to Pin a Post on Your Facebook Business Page
To pin a post on your Facebook business page, make sure you navigate to your page rather than your profile. To do this using the Facebook app, click the menu icon in the bottom right-hand corner. Then, toggle to your page using the drop-down menu at the top of the app. Click your profile photo to go to your feed.
Next, scroll down your feed until you find the post you’d like to pin or create a new post to pin. Click the three dots on the top right-hand corner of the post, followed by Pin post. Scroll to the top of your feed to find your pinned post. You may need to refresh your feed by sliding your finger down on your mobile device’s screen before the post shows.
The process is the same to pin a post using the Facebook website in your browser, although you’ll need to use your browser’s refresh button to refresh the page, if necessary.
Managing Featured Posts

Screenshot from @chroniclesofstrength via Facebook
More recently, Facebook has transformed Facebook pins into a Featured section. This section sits at the top of your feed just like a pinned post. However, it gives space for up to six pinned or featured photos and stories. Rather than scrolling down your feed to find posts to pin, you can also use the Featured section to add posts.
To do this, find the Featured section at the top of your page, and click Manage. Facebook will display recent posts that you can pin to this section. Find a post and click the pin icon to keep it in the Featured section. Facebook only shows a few of your most recent posts, so you may need to use the regular pinning method for older posts.
You can also use this method to create new types of posts to feature, such as posts inviting followers to an upcoming Facebook Live you’re hosting, events, or highlights of your products or services. For example, the screenshot above shows Pat Flynn’s featured post announcing the release of an updated version of a popular free workout collection.
Types of Posts to Pin on a Facebook Business Page

Screenshot from @OXO via Facebook
You can pin any type of post you’d like to your Facebook business page. However, a few types of posts work particularly well for this highlighted space.
- Introductory Post: Create a post that introduces your company or yourself. Adding it to the Featured section of your profile makes it easy for anyone who visits your page to learn what you do and what your page is about. Use the post to add your email address, website URL, or other socials so they can contact you for more information.
- Information About Services or Products: If your page is already set up as a service, you’ll have the option to post the services you list as a Featured post that sits at the top of your business page. This is an additional way for Facebook users to learn more about your services, pricing, and how to sign up, and it will also help your page show up in Facebook search when users search for the types of services you offer.
- Special Announcements: Write posts when you have special announcements to share, like a new staff member you’d like to highlight or a recent award your company won. Then, use the pinned post feature to pin your announcement to the Featured section. You can even use pinned posts to cross-promote your other social networks. For instance, a pinned post on Facebook is an excellent way to generate more interest in an Instagram giveaway you’re running or an upcoming YouTube premiere.
- Company Changes or Updates: Is your company hiring, moving to a new location, or undergoing other changes? Pin update posts to the Featured section to ensure they aren’t missed in your feed. The screenshot above shows how OXO took advantage of a pinned post to share a video recognizing the company’s 25th anniversary.
- Current Promotions: Share current promotions for a new product or sitewide sales on your Facebook page with pinned posts.
- Upcoming Events: Let others know when events are happening with your business, like donation drives, hiring events, or Facebook Live Q&A sessions, using pinned posts.
Facebook releases new features and updates its algorithm often, so keeping up with current best practices can help business pages succeed. Of course, it’s always helpful when other users share your content, and you can make it easy for them by installing the Facebook share button on your blog or website. It’s an effortless way to continue to boost your visibility on Facebook over time, giving you more time to create compelling content they’ll want to share.