New year, new you – right? Well, if that new you involves a refresh (or launch) of your Twitter marketing strategy, then you’ll want to start with the absolute building blocks: the Twitter best practices and marketing tips that will keep your content fresh, relevant, and memorable (which may not have been the case for your old tweets) – and keep your audience engaged, involved, and interested.
TL;DR version: 2019 is the year of the stellar customer experience. This is the sun around which your entire Twitter marketing strategy revolves: With every tweet, every decision, every move you make on Twitter, frame it around your customer experience. Not you. Never you. Because, your clients/customers care about what’s in it for them. And that’s the beginning, middle, and end game for all your Twitter marketing.
5 Twitter marketing tips

Get started on the right foot with the right Twitter handle.
Tip #1: If you’re just getting started, then pick the right Twitter handle (username)
Your Twitter handle should be branded (= @YourCompany or, perhaps, @YourTagline), easy to remember, hopefully easy to spell, and short (the key to snagging @mentions). Eliminate punctuation and/or symbols and be sure to keep your handles consistent across social networks: If you’re @YourTagline on Facebook, don’t flip-flop to @YourCompany on Twitter.
Tip #2: Brand your profile picture
First and foremost, your Twitter profile picture should be recognizable: one glance, and it’s definitely you. For many brands, this means using your logo – which, handily, should also be eye-catching – but a stand-out product or other image could also work. Whatever you choose, make it smart and keep it consistent.
Tip #3: Write a powerful brand bio
Your Twitter bio should be concise and factual, but it should also show a bit of pizazz. Infuse a bit of flare with humor or personality, add a few #hashtags, and be sure to show off your skills (humbly, if possible). Most of all, write for your target audience – for the people who will most like and/or benefit from your product or service.
Tip #4: Tweet consistently and often
One of the keys to Twitter success is sheer volume: to be heard, thou shalt tweet [a lot]. But beyond that, you must tweet consistently – at the same times, more or less, and on the same days, throughout the weeks, months, and years.
If you’re looking for hard-and-fast rules, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. That said, some studies show that the 12 pm to 6 pm window is the best time to tweet, while others lobby specifically for the 12 pm to 3 pm, Monday-Friday time slot.
Tip #5: Use hashtags wisely
You may be tempted to go a little overboard with your Twitter hashtags, but that would be a mistake. The best practice approach to Twitter hashtags is to use them strategically, without overusing them. In other words, don’t throw a bunch of #guesses at the wall to see what sticks; instead, choose a few highly targeted hashtags that will add context and searchability to your tweet to boost your Twitter impressions without alienating your followers. (Our guide to Twitter trending hashtags can help with this.)
4 Twitter marketing best practices

Twitter best practice #1: Don’t broadcast, converse! Twitter is all about great conversation.
Best practice #1: Don’t lecture, converse
It’s tempting to use Twitter as a broadcasting tool: Look what we did! Check out this latest update! We just published a new blog post! WARNING! Your audience doesn’t care. What they do care about is how what you just did impacts them, or how your update improves their user/buyer experience, or how your newest blog post will make their lives better or easier.
For every tweet you tweet, be sure to ask yourself, “Why does my audience care?” and then, leave your tweet open to that all-important conversation: Ask questions, post a poll, host a live chat, etc. Interact and converse.
Best practice #2: Be you
Your own voice is your best Twitter voice. In other words, however your brand speaks online, in print, and in all your marketing, that’s also how you should also “speak” on Twitter. Don’t try to be a Twitter brand, just be your brand.
Best practice #3: Share valuable content
The cornerstone of Twitter success is valuable content – tweets that provide value and have no agenda. Yes, especially that second part: No. Agenda. Because the last thing the Twitterverse wants from you is promotional tweet-vomit that screams me-me-me!!! and I-want-something-from-you!
Instead, link to great content (sometimes, not even your own), retweet other great content, and then share your own great content. Even your calls-to-action should provide value (ex. sign up for our email list, get a free awesome download).
Best practice #4: Keep an eye on successful competition
Use the search bar, follow your competition (and/or related industry services), and otherwise scope out the Twitterverse to see who’s doing what, successfully. Additionally, keep that search bar active to discover conversations about client/customer pain points – particularly, pain points you may be able to solve (in a valuable, not overly promotional way).
Bottom line: Your Twitter account is the front line of your business, offering everyday interactions with your past, present and future customers or clients. Be sure they have a great experience with you today, and they’ll be more likely to purchase from you tomorrow.
Want to grow your Twitter following effortlessly?
Now that you know how to improve your customer experience via Twitter, you’re ready to grow your Twitter audience (and bottom line). And that starts with promoting your account and building your followers.
The ShareThis Twitter follow button is a perfect tool to promote yourself and your content. It’s also mobile optimized, lightweight, and easy to configure and install. Check it out!