Popular Follow Buttons
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Want to get more followers on Pinterest? Instead of hoping that your website visitors will find the link buried on your About or Contact page, use a handy button. The Pinterest follow button lets your visitors quickly and easily follow you with a single click.
If you’re not very familiar with Pinterest, you might wonder how it can benefit your business. Pinterest is a social network that’s centered on sharing images, which people “pin” to their “boards.” It’s a bit like a traditional bulletin board … but for the internet age.
While Pinterest is used a lot for certain types of content, like recipes, any content with an image can be pinned. (This is a great reason to make sure your blog posts all have an image at the start – in fact, many content creators use Pinterest-optimized images for this, in portrait rather than landscape format.)
On Pinterest, users interact through likes, comments, re-pins, and private messages. They can “follow” other users to stay up-to-date with what those users are pinning.
Historically, Pinterest was dominated by women – but in 2018, 50% of new signups were men. Most Pinterest users are under the age of 49, and Pinterest tends to be used by high-income households.
If you want more people to follow you on Pinterest, you’ll need a Pinterest follow button on your website. Don’t expect your visitors to go to the effort of tracking you down on Pinterest; you want to make it easy for them to stay in touch.
There are a couple of different ways to add a Pinterest follow button to your site:
1. Use Pinterest’s code
Pinterest itself provides two pieces of code (one is JavaScript and the other is HTML) you can use to place a follow button on your site. If you’re comfortable editing and adding code, this might work for you; otherwise, you’ll want an easier option.
2. Use a tool like ShareThis
By using ShareThis, you can easily add a Pinterest follow button to your site – no coding skills required! You can style the button how you want, and you can add other buttons for other social networks, too.
Pinterest might seem a bit different from networks like Twitter and Facebook, where users can publish posts that are purely text. On Pinterest, you always need to publish an image. There’s also not as much of a focus on conversations on Pinterest.
Pinterest is trying to distance itself from other social networks, but it does have very much the same functionality as most social networks: users can interact with one another, follow one another, and like, comment on, and share (re-pin) one another’s content.
Ultimately, as a website owner, it doesn’t matter too much whether you consider Pinterest to be a social network or more like a social bookmarking site: it’s a great place for your website visitors and fans to share your blog posts, product images, or other content.
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