Search the web for the ideal Facebook header size, and you’ll probably come up with several answers. Unfortunately, many of them are probably outdated because social media platforms change frequently, including their specifications for image sizes, and Facebook is no exception.
The platform has reconfigured how profiles, pages, events, groups, and news feeds look over the years, affecting how your images look in the process. It’s necessary to stay on top of the changes to keep your profile, page, and your overall Facebook presence looking their best.

Screenshot via Old Navy on Facebook
We recommend revisiting the optimal photo sizes each year, just to make sure you have the most accurate information. Lucky for you, we’ve put together the latest size recommendations for your Facebook header (also known as a Facebook cover photo or banner) in 2020.
What is the Ideal Facebook Header Size in 2020?
We recommend a Facebook header photo size of 820 x 461 pixels.
Technically, 820 x 461.25 pixels gives the correct proportions, but it’s perfectly okay to round down to 461 or up to 462. A pixel or two difference won’t hurt.
It’s important to note that this size works for both page and profile headers. The page dimensions for each are all the same.

Screenshot via Kay Jewelers on Facebook
The reason for this size is that it meets the 16:9 ratio that Facebook uses for cover photos on mobile devices.
This isn’t the same ratio that Facebook uses on computers – 205:78 – but that ratio is a non-traditional one that can display oddly on mobile devices. When you focus your Facebook header on mobile optimization, it tends to look great on a PC as well, save for a few pixels that will be cropped on the top and bottom of your image.
If you focus the majority of your image and all of your text toward the middle area of your header and leave room around the margins, you won’t see any odd cut-offs.
You can also use larger images as long as they have the same proportions of 16:9. The most important feat is maintaining that ratio to ensure that your photo looks like you intended it to.
There are several free image editors you can use to scale your image to a larger size while keeping that ratio intact, like GIMP and Croppola. The benefit of using a larger image is that you’ll get a higher resolution, which could make your header photo look crisper on Facebook.
Event Headers
Now, remember that the size above only works for pages and profiles on Facebook. Event headers aren’t the same size, so you’ll need to know the best dimensions for them, too, if you plan to link any events to your business page.
Facebook gives event headers a size of 1200 x 628 pixels. That’s close to a 2:1 ratio (1.91:1), so using the 2:1 scale is fine if you don’t mind a few pixels on the sides to get cut off.
However, we do suggest using a larger image, like 1920 x 960 pixels. The higher resolution will look better on Facebook, and you’ll only have slight cropping on desktop and mobile.
Group Headers

Screenshot via Amazon
You guessed it – Facebook Group headers have yet another recommended size you’ll need to remember! Group headers are ultra-important, though, for encouraging people to join your groups you connect to your page. A lot of group owners use their headers to promote something about their business while making it clear what the group is about.
The header dimensions of a group photo are 1640 x 856 pixels, which is, again, that odd 1.91:1 ratio. You can round up to 2:1 with this, too, which will cut only a few pixels off when you position your photo.
As usual, it’s best to start with a larger image if possible (so, 1920 x 960 pixels will work here, too!) to get a clearer image on Facebook.
Facebook Header Videos: What’s the Right Size?
Facebook delivers extra pizazz to your headers with the option of adding cover videos instead of photos. This feature is currently only available for event and business page headers.
The good news is that, for both Facebook events and pages, your cover video can have the same dimensions as the optimal cover photo for each. Keep the focus of your video away from the edges just like you would with a photo to avoid getting key pieces of it cut off when you upload it.
Keep Your Facebook Page Growing!
Growing your Facebook page can, in turn, boost your group and event engagement. Along with our other guides on all things Facebook marketing to answer questions like: how to pin a comment on Facebook?
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