ShareThis Platform Account Questions

Registering on ShareThis

We require users to create an account so we can better manage and help support additional integrations that users have setup within our platform.
To register for our platform go here:

Registering is super easy – just input an email address and a password and you’ll have access to our platform in no time. Best of all, all the tools we provide is 100% free!

Changing your email address or password

At the moment we do not allow changing the account’s email address. We recommend re-registering with the new email address you wish to have or add the alternative email address as a collaborator within the “Property Settings” tab within our Platform.

Retrieving your password

If you need a new password, you can go to our Forgot Password form and a link to reset your password will be sent to the email address provided upon registration.

Deleting your account

We hate to see you go but if you absolutely feel the need to delete your ShareThis account you totally can! Just remember that all information and access once deleted is permanently removed from our servers, forever. With that being said, feel free to use this link to delete your account: