How to Install ShareThis Video Share Buttons on an HTML Website

Did you know people are 12x more likely to share videos than image and text combined? Amplify the reach of videos on your site through video share buttons.

In order for our Video Share Buttons to work on your HTML website, follow the steps below to add your unique ShareThis code to the <head> section of your website: 

  1. Log in or Sign up to the ShareThis Platform.
  2. Select Video Share Buttons in the Apps Directory and activate it by clicking the Enable tool button. 
  3. Then, customize the buttons by selecting your social channels, alignment, and size.
  4. Select the Activate code button in the top right corner. In the pop-up, click the Copy code button.
  5. Log in to your HTML website.
  6. Paste the unique ShareThis code that you copied from step 4 into the <head> section of your website.

Hot tips

  • This tool will enable share buttons on videos across your entire website. If you want to omit Video Share Buttons from select videos, check out the steps from this guide.
  • Video Share Buttons are designed to work only with embedded videos (e.g. from Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, Vimeo, Twitch, etc.)