Black Friday shoppers plan ahead. Cyber Monday shoppers wait until the last minute.
Black Friday shoppers are thinking about what they want to buy two weeks in advance. Ramp up your marketing spend early to accommodate. For Cyber Monday? Save your marketing dollars until Saturday. No one is focused on Cyber Monday until Black Friday is in the rearview mirror.
Shoppers interested in Cyber Monday deals share more content on Twitter than Facebook.
Different shoppers engage at different times of the day.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers engaged with gaming content were 3.6 times more active late at night (between 11PM and 1AM) than any other time of the day. Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers interested in automotive content were 2.4 times more engaged in the afternoon. (Between 2PM and 4PM). Pet lovers shared 5.9 times more than the average Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopper at 4pm eastern.
Consumers sharing Black Friday and Cyber Monday content tend to be more enthusiastic about cult and indie films, as well as auto racing.

Big brands still dominate social engagement.
Apple, Amazon, and Samsung generated the most social engagement amongst Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers in 2015. However, Apple still managed to rack up nearly twice the engagement of Samsung.
Interested in learning more about holiday shoppers’ interests and behaviors?
Download full version of our Black Friday and Cyber Monday insight study which includes shopper demographic data, their specific passion points, and top performing brands.