Since ShareThis pioneered share buttons nearly 15 years ago, we have been on a mission to continue improving the free tool for content creators around the world. To that end, we’re excited to share some new highly requested features for our core share and follow button tools.
Customize the Color of Your Share or Follow Buttons to Match Your Brand
Beyond the default social and white color selections, we have added the capability to completely customize the background and text colors of your buttons through a color picker or HEX codes. Now, you can tailor your buttons to:
- Match your brand, like we have in the custom example below
- Align with seasons or holiday colors
- Add visual interest by changing the colors regularly to encourage sharing or following
Share Buttons Example: Social Color

Share Buttons Example: White Color

Share Buttons Example: Custom Color

Choose From Over 15 Languages
Our share button tools are already compatible with English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian. However, due to popular demand, we are excited to add the following six languages which will enable you to tailor your share buttons based on the primary language of your website visitors:
- Dutch
- Arabic
- Bengali
- Hindi
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Share Buttons Example: Arabic Language

Start leveraging our new features to grow your website traffic by installing our share buttons today. Already using ShareThis tools? Login to your platform to customize the color and language of your inline or sticky share buttons in the Apps Directory.
Have suggestions for other features you would like to see? We’d love to hear your feedback at